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Exion Edge: The Gateway to Financial Enlightenment

What is Exion Edge?

The Exion Edge website brings interested investment learners closer to investment educators. Through the connection, people can choose any investment aspect to study depending on their careers, interests, or professions.

In their classes, people will learn how investment works. Exion Edge welcomes everyone to register, whether they have a background in finance or not.

To connect with investment education companies, register for free on Exion Edge. Simply submit a name, email, and phone number in the sign-up form. Each registrant will get a call from the company Exion Edge matches them with for more information.

Exion Edge Brings Investment Tutors To The Average Person

All-Encompassing Solutions

Exion Edge understands that investment education helps people become financially literate and vast. Hence, it encourages everyone to connect with investment education providers even if they have no background in any finance or business-related field. Connect with an investment education company on Exion Edge and begin learning.

Skill Development

Striving to acquire hard and soft skills like fundamental analysis, problem-solving, or financial management? There is no need to look further, as Exion Edge can facilitate that.

As people enroll in investment education, they are exposed to real-life situations, the economy, and businesses and will acquire the skills to deal with them. Want to develop hard and soft skills? Register on Exion Edge.

Free Connection

Finding and connecting with investment education websites without help can be futile and frustrating.

So, Exion Edge seamlessly connects people to investment tutors for free. Looking to connect with an investment teacher, sign up on Exion Edge.

What Exion Edge Does Not Offer?


Exion Edge is not a trading website or institutional investor. It also does not connect people to financial markets or assets.

Educational Services

There’s no teaching on Exion Edge. The website only connects people to suitable education firms. Sign up for Exion Edge to connect with investment teachers.

Investment Advisory

Exion Edge is not an investment expert. Therefore, it does not advise people on the asset to buy or when to sell, for example.

Exion Edge Briefly Explains Investment

Investors buy an asset and then sell to try for returns. These investments can be short-term (within a year) or long-term.

Short-term investments include bond funds, money market accounts, treasury bills, mutual funds, and peer-to-peer lending. Long-term investments are real estate, pension plans, and ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds).

More Information On Some Investments From Exion Edge

Bond funds pool fixed-income securities. It allows diversification and may provide regular income. One downside is their high management fees. 

Bond funds can be high-yield, municipal, multisector, international, and investment-grade. To learn more about these, register on Exion Edge.

Money-Market Account
Peer-to-Peer Lending

Money-Market Account

These may pay a higher interest than other savings accounts. It is NCUA (National Credit Union Administration) and FDIC-insured (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). Yet, it requires a high minimum balance. Register and connect with investment education companies to learn more.


This is issued by the U.S. Treasury Department. It is often employed as an inflation hedge.

Certificate of Deposit

This savings account holds funds for a fixed period for interest.

Mutual Fund

This investment pools funds from different investors to buy various assets.

Commercial Paper

This unsecured debt instrument may finance short-term obligations.

Investors buy commercial papers from large corporations. They seek short-term maturity, high liquidity, and minimal risk. However, they have to deal with limited returns and credit risk. Types of commercial papers are checks, drafts, and promissory notes. Connect with investment tutors on Exion Edge for more information.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

Investors can lend money directly (without an intermediary like credit unions, banks, or online lenders). Borrowers can spend the loan on small businesses, car purchases, and debt consolidation. Lenders accept fair credit scores and take a quick funding process but charge high interest. Register on Exion Edge to connect with investment education companies to know more about investments.

Exion Edge Explains Debt Consolidation

Several debts can be combined into one. These can be secured and unsecured loans. The former are protected by collateral. Lenders take over these when borrowers default on payments, especially for mortgages or car loans.

Unsecured loans are unprotected. Even when borrowers fail to pay, the lenders cannot seize their properties. Types of debt consolidation include credit cards, home equity, and student loans.

Burdened debtors may seek ease through various means. These include debt relief, bankruptcy, credit counseling, and debt settlement. Register on Exion Edge for more information.

Exion Edge Examines Hostile Takeovers

Sometimes, an acquiring company can take over a company. It can do this through a proxy vote or by offering its (target company’s) shareholders a tender offer. In other words, it is when one company takes over another without the board of director’s consent.

Target companies do not just have to roll over. They can fight against hostile takeover using various strategies. These include the Pac-Man defense, supermajority amendment, crown jewel defense, golden parachute, poison pill, and greenmail. AOL's acquiring Time Warner, KKP’s leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco, and Sanofi-Aventis’ acquisition of Genzyme are examples of hostile takeovers. Connect with investment teachers on Exion Edge to learn how target companies use these defenses.

Creeping Takeover

This is an acquisition of a company by purchasing its shares gradually. This strategy is cheaper than others and allows shares to be purchased at market price to remove the need for premiums. In the U.S., it is used to get around the Williams Act Provisions. Register on Exion Edge to learn more.

Backflip Takeover

In this case, the acquiring company becomes a subsidiary of the target company. The goal is to increase its edge in the market, such as brand recognition. To learn more about this method, register on Exion Edge.

Horizontal Merger

This is when companies in the same/similar industry combine. This method increases diversification, increases market share, and reduces competition in the industry. Issues related to achieving a horizontal merger include bureaucratic controls and integration problems.

Vertical Merger

Companies in different stages of the supply chain for a product or service may combine. The pros include reduced operating costs and increased synergy. For more information, sign up on Exion Edge.

Understand Initial Public Offering via Exion Edge

A private company uses an IPO to bring its shares to the public market. The issuer selects an investment bank, does its due diligence, and its underwriter sets a price.

Then, the underwriter does after-market stabilization, and the company transitions to market competition. Thirty days is typically the time taken to assess an IPO. It is successful if there’s a 20% or less difference between market pricing and capitalization of the issuing company. Want to learn more? Register on Exion Edge.

Learn Amalgamation After Using Exion Edge

In accounting, amalgamation is the combination of financial statements. Here, a group of companies can report their financials by consolidating them. Sign up on Exion Edge to find out how companies do these.

In corporate finance, amalgamation combines two or more companies to form a larger company. This process takes different legal processes: acquisition with two survivors, amalgamation with survivors, and merger with one survivor. Learn about these processes by signing up on Exion Edge.

Companies amalgamate to access cheaper financing, eliminate competition, and access new markets, targets, and technologies. Sign up on Exion Edge to understand how companies achieve these through amalgamation.

Learn Deleveraging via Exion Edge

This is the process a company uses to reduce its debt. It can do this by issuing equity, using excess cash from its operational activities, and selling its assets. A company can assess deleveraging using financial ratios, such as return on equity and debt-to-equity. For more details, register on Exion Edge.

Understand Initial Public Offering via Exion Edge
Learn Amalgamation After Using Exion Edge

Exion Edge Outlines Common Investment Terms

Public Securities

These are equity or debt assets easily traded in the market. Learn more about public securities from investment educators by signing up on Exion Edge.

Covered Security
Conduct Due Diligence

This asset is large enough to report to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). Register on Exion Edge to learn from investment education companies.

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Shareholders to reinvest their dividends in additional shares automatically. To find out more, register on Exion Edge.

Dividend Payout Ratio

It shows the amount paid as dividends relative to a company’s income. Exion Edge provides more insight into this.

Forward Dividend Yield

This is the projection for a company’s annual dividend. Connect with investment tutors on Exion Edge to learn more.

Multiple-Period Dividend Discount Model

This technique estimates the intrinsic value of a stock. Register on Exion Edge for more information.

Take Advantage of Exion Edge for Investment Education

There are many opportunities to become an investor, but not as many exist to get the required education first. Exion Edge connects people to investment education firms. These educators provide a personalized and structured path to financial literacy. Connect with these firms on Exion Edge to start learning. Registration is free on Exion Edge.

Exion Edge FAQs

How Can People Register on Exion Edge?

Simply click the registration form and fill in a name, email address, and phone number.

Does Exion Edge Provide Brochures to Potential Learners?

Exion Edge does not give potential learners brochures, as it does not offer educational services. When people connect with investment education firms on Exion Edge, they can check out their course brochures and choose courses.

How Long Does Exion EdgeTake?

Once people register on Exion Edge, they instantly connect to investment education firms. The firms guide them on the steps preceding their learning process.

Exion Edge Highlights

🤖 Registration Fee

Zero cost to register

💰 Administrative Fees

Fee-free service

📋 Enrollment Ease

Simple, quick setup

📊 Study Focus

Insights into Digital Currencies, Forex, and Investment Funds

🌎 Country Availability

Available in nearly every country except the US

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